What Is Life?

“Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” — Luke 12:15 NIV

What is life? Is it all about walking around here and there, going to school, getting a job, marriage and building a home for children? No!

Since God is the Creator and giver of life, He’s the One who can define it accurately. Jesus says in John 17:3 that,

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

John 17:3 NIV

So eternal life is rooted in divine knowledge. How much of that knowledge you have will determine how well you’ll live unto God as His child.

One time, a frustrated brother came to Jesus, telling Him to divide his father’s inheritance with his other brother. But Jesus replied, not to him but all his disciples, that life doesn’t consist of the abundance of possessions. Did you know what Jesus was doing? He was (and is still) warning his disciples that they shouldn’t think godliness is a means to financial gain (1 Timothy 6:5).

Recalibrate your thoughts on what eternal life in Christ is. It’s all about divine knowledge of God and Jesus the sent.

Probably you’re born again but haven’t seen any significant change in your life after deciding to follow Jesus. Don’t worry. God loves you. Ask yourself how much divine knowledge of the Word you have. It’s through it that your life will transform. That’s why the Apostle Paul stresses on us renewing our minds in Romans 12:2.

Submit your ways to the Lord. Spend time studying the Bible and other Christian resources (books, sermons, articles, devotionals, music) that’ll help you grow spiritually. You will live transformed.

You’re a blessing.


Oh God, thank you for showing me what life is today. I commit to knowing you by feeding my spirit with knowledge sourced from your Word. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 220

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What is life
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