The Code of Humility

“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.” — Matthew 10:24 NKJV

Humility is a cherished value in the body of Christ. Everybody loves it, but some don’t know how to live it out practically before others. The code of humility before God is different from that before people. In other words, how to humble yourself before God is different from living out Christ’s humility in today’s world.

There’s only one thing to do in order to humble yourself before God. That is, casting all your care upon Him (1 Peter 5:6-7). However, to live a humble life before others, especially in a corporate environment, there must be constant recognition of authority. Without intentional submission to authority from you, you can be humble before God, but not before people. Look at what Jesus said in Matthew 10:24.

A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. You are not greater than the one teaching you, whether ministry-wise, academic-wise or even in your family. In Christ, you’re not greater than your pastor, the Holy Spirit, or anyone who continually feeds you with spiritual food.

Before you rise in rebellion against the one who feeds you, whether physically or spiritually, think about the things you’ve enjoyed from him, especially those you never paid for. Keep remembering yourself anytime arrogance starts springing up in your heart against the one ahead of you that, “Hey you, you’re not greater than that person. Come on, humble yourself, follow wisely, and learn.”

Judas thought deceiving Jesus was the end of His life, not knowing he suffered for it. Absalom thought rebelling against his father David would make him king, but he died prematurely. Don’t be deceived. Don’t just submit to God. Submit also to authority.

You’re a blessing.

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 103

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