Listen to The Word You Preach To Others

“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” — I Corinthians 9:27 NKJV

As a young minister, I’ve realized how I can be so busy feeding others with the Word of God while neglecting the enjoyment of the fruit of God’s labour through my hands. That is, not benefiting from the Word I preach by reading it myself. It was only after our ministry launched our website and started reviewing each devotional multiple times before posting; then I realized how much I’ve missed reading God’s Word inspired by my own hand to type some time ago.

Sometimes, this can happen to ministers without their notice, where they’ll preach to others so much that they don’t listen to what God is using their own mouths to teach others. Look at what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:27.

Paul says that he disciplines his body and brings it into subjection so that he wouldn’t get disqualified from receiving the imperishable crown of life (James 1:12) after he has preached the same Word to others. I’m sure Paul was saying that he listens to the Word he preaches to others (since that’ll remind him of what he has preached) in order to walk in them.

By doing this, Paul was advocating that we preachers and ministers of the Word must watch our lives closely, that we don’t preach one and live another thing. You can imitate Paul in this thing by deciding to listen to the Word you preach to others.

I get it when some ministers dislike listening to themselves, especially when the sermons are available online because of media production (since they don’t want to see their past flaws again). To me, it’s not about identifying mistakes in my message but about God using what I’ve preached and written to minister His life to my spirit. If I recognize a flaw in my sermon by the grace of God, I’ll be thankful unto Him and learn so that I’ll not repeat it another time.

Man of God, servant of God, the work of the ministry isn’t only meant to profit others at your expense. You’re also included in God’s world of impact created just for your ministry. Use that privilege. Listen to the Word you preach to others and live by the sound doctrine you teach, lest you preach virtues but end up practising vices.

You’re a blessing.

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 122

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listen to the word you preach to others

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