Kill Disunity in Your Team

[46] “Then a dispute arose among them as to which of them would be greatest. [47] And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him, [48] and said to them, “Whoever receives this little child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me. For he who is least among you all will be great.” — Luke 9:46-48 NKJV

As an organisational leader, I’ve had the privilege of building teams, systems and structures in the ministry to ensure God’s work is decentralised and flowing without any issues. In my study of how people behave in such a structural environment, I’ve understood that many people strive to rise higher in an organisation using the organisational system that has been built. And that is so common to see in government and private institutions. You meet person A, and all that he wants is a promotion at work. Meanwhile, he has forgotten that that system was designed by a human to make workflow easier at the workplace, not to make people crave more authority.

Jesus noticed this thing in his team. There were times when these disciples argued amongst themselves about who would be the greatest. Meanwhile, He was raising them up not to make one greater than another but for them all to team up to impact nations for God’s kingdom.

I’ve realised that the people who stress getting seen are usually not seen. But those who serve the Lord with gladness in their hearts, with or without man’s applause, get to higher realms of the ministry.

Dear leader, kill disunity in your team. Whenever a team member wants to stir up strife amongst the group, discipline him. Never forget that the ministry is about Jesus, not for anybody to make a name for oneself. My name will fade away, and so will yours. It’s about Jesus, not individuals. Exalt Him.

You’re a blessing.


Father, help me to build a strong team to keep Your work moving forward every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 092

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Devotional - Kill Disunity in Your Team
Devotional – Kill Disunity in Your Team
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