How To Treat Older Men In The Church

“Do not rebuke an older man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers,” — I Timothy 5:1 NKJV

One time, I had a little challenge with a man about ten years older than me in my local church. It was a conference service, and I had to direct him not to go near a significant cable used for recording media content as the service went on. Because I didn’t use “please” in my words, he got furious, talking back at me with extreme anger, saying, “I should learn to respect people.”

Frankly, I didn’t like what he did. He should have corrected me more nicely, but he didn’t to date. So I forgave him and learnt my lesson.

But later, I came across 1 Timothy 5:1. I read the scripture carefully and realised how to treat older men in the church. Just as Paul told Timothy, we’re not to rebuke older men but exhort them as fathers.

The word “rebuke,” as used in the scripture, is from the Greek word “epiplēssō,” which means to strike upon or chastise with words. And the word “exhort” in the scripture means to call one aside or speak to the person.

So for older men in the church, when they do wrong things, it’s inappropriate to rebuke them publicly. Instead, you must call them aside and speak nicely to them about what they did and its effects so that they’ll not do it again. Using that correction method will make them listen because they’ll see you honour and respect them.

We’re in a generation where people can take their phones and say whatever they like about others on social media. Friend, I want to advise you. You don’t know the kind of hurt, pain and pressure pastors and older men face every day to ensure churches are running and families are taken care of. Don’t sell your integrity for even one-time disrespect.

You’re a blessing.


Father, in the name of Jesus, lead me to use the right ways of correcting people older than me. Show me how to accord respect to each person so that Your work won’t be hindered by any inappropriate behaviour from me. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 133

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Devotional - How To Treat The Older Men in Church
Devotional – How To Treat The Older Men in Church
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