Give Diligence to Make Your Calling and Election Sure

[10] “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:” – 2 Peter 1:10 (KJV)

Every child of God has a divine calling upon his life. For some, it’s not about starting a church or serving as an associate or lay minister in ministry. It could be a ministry to the needy, in the tech field, etc. I can’t describe each person’s calling because they are so many and varied. Nevertheless, all of them lead to the spread of God’s kingdom in the entire universe.

As powerful as this truth is, God, through Peter, sends a strong message to us that each believer should give diligence to make one’s calling and election sure. But for what reason? So that he will not fall. Translated word “fall” in 2 Peter 2:10 (KJV) doesn’t mean to backslide. Instead, it means “late.” Here’s a paraphrased meaning of the scripture.

“If you don’t give diligence to make your calling and election sure, you’ll be late in seeing the unfolding of God’s purposes for your life.”

God is never in a rush. But what He intends to do on this earth through man is so much. He is not looking for perfect people. Instead, He’s looking for willing people. And if you’ll avail yourself to Him, He’ll do so much through you that this world will tangibly see your divine impact. Many people are living witnesses to what I’m saying. But the truth is that God didn’t design this life for only a few to see and walk in them. He desires that all His children will live to fulfil their divine mandates fully.

What is your lot in life? Have you given so much time to chase after worldly things that you’ve left the labour you should do to know God? Get back on track to know God and work hard to see what God has called you to do progress.

You’re a blessing.


Lord, grant me the grace to give diligence in order to see my divine calling and election by grace proven. Never allow me to be slack concerning the fulfilment of my divine purpose. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 157

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Devotional - Give Diligence to Make Your Calling and Election Sure
Devotional – Give Diligence to Make Your Calling and Election Sure
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