Blessed Are You Among Women

“Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” - Luke 1:42 NKJV

After Mary received the heavenly news that she’d be the mother of the Messiah, she arose and went to Elizabeth. For me, I’m sure she did that not because she agreed on it with Joseph, but to confirm what the angel Gabriel told her about old six months pregnant Elizabeth, and also to feed her faith — because she went in haste (Luke 1:39).

It’s not written anywhere in the Bible that angel Gabriel went back to tell Elizabeth that her cousin (Mary) would be the Saviour’s mother. But when Mary entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth, the baby in her womb (which was John the Baptist) leaped. I’m a male, and I don’t know how it feels for a six-month pregnant woman to recognize the foetus in her leap. But that surprised Elizabeth.

Now note that Mary hadn’t yet spoken about why she came to visit her. And scripture doesn’t state how long Mary spent in-house after receiving the news from Gabriel before visiting Elizabeth. Assuming she started her journey some few days after hearing the news, then it means her tummy was flat and even hard for others to discern her as a pregnant lady.

Aside from all these uncertainties, Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit immediately after hearing Mary’s greeting. And from her response was this, “blessed are you among women.” There were so many unusual encounters Mary saw when she became aware she was favoured to be Jesus’ mother. That is just one of them.

But what’s our take from this happening in scripture? We are blessed to be carriers of God’s purposes on earth. As Mary didn’t do anything special to be called “blessed are you among women,” so God will let other unexpecting people call you blessed because Christ is in you. Merry Christmas.

You’re a blessing.

Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 354

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