Apply What You Learn

“Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice.” — James 1:22 GNT

“As powerful as words are, actions speak louder than them.

A primary method used in many places to impart knowledge is words. Yet, we forget a lot of the things we hear; and that means we also forget much of the things we learn.

God knows this issue has persisted for centuries. So He warned us in His Word that we should put His Word to practice and not just focus on listening to it, whether in church, audio Bible, personal studies, or just any other technological medium.

God’s Word isn’t for our heads but our hearts. It has the power to transform anybody who hears it. However, its impact on those who intentionally listen and make decisions to apply it is always higher.

How many things have you been taught in churches and online services, which are of great help to you, yet you’ve forgotten? Go and study your spiritual notes again. Learn them again because no sound doctrine from the Word is too old to minister life to you again.

Don’t deceive yourself by making yourself available in spiritual gatherings, yet having your mind too made up to listen and practice the Word of God preached. Apply what you learn. In that way, you’ll grow in grace and become skilful in handling the Word of righteousness.

You’re a blessing.

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 109

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apply what you learn
Devotional – Apply What You Learn
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