And God Is Able To Make All Grace Abound Toward You

[9] “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” — II Corinthians 9:8 NKJV

Prior to Apostle Paul writing 2 Corinthians 9:8, He spoke about sowing and reaping in verse 6 and giving as one purposes in his heart in verse 7. So concluding these two powerful points, he writes that God is able to make all grace abound toward you (the giver) so that you’ll sufficiently have all things and also abundance for every good work.

That means having all things in abundance to do God’s work is a result of the supplication of grace. But that dimension of grace only comes when you excel in giving purposefully at heart and bountifully as you have from a pure mentality.

There’s so much God desires to accomplish in your life. It’s not just about completing school, having a stable job, a good spouse, children, a house and showing up in church on Sundays. The life God has purposed for you far outweighs all these things men are looking for.

God wants you to excel in the grace of giving. So that the more you give, the more resources will flow into your accounts, and having more means you’ll move higher in impact.

But remember, it’s God who’s able to make all dimensions of grace abound towards you, not yourself. You do the giving as He empowers you, and He’ll take care of all the supplications you need to have an abundance in every good work you do to get those resources. Grace be unto you.

You’re a blessing.


Father, thank You for the assurance that You’ll make all grace abound towards me when I give bountifully and purposefully. May I never run short of resources to continually become a blessing in many lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 288

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Devotional - And God Is Able To Make All Grace Abound Toward You
Devotional – And God Is Able To Make All Grace Abound Toward You
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