An Ill-gotten Gain Does Not Profit

“Treasures of wickedness and ill-gotten gains do not profit, But righteousness and moral integrity in daily life rescues from death.” — Proverbs 10:2 AMP

An ill-gotten gain is a treasure, wealth, or money obtained through dishonest means.

We live in a world where several advertisements for making money in the wrong ways are always on the rise. Many people no longer like to work to earn the bread they eat. However, since the beginning of time, this wasn’t so.

When God created Adam, He gave him purposeful work from the first day he became a living soul.

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

Genesis 2:15 NKJV (Italicised mine)

But before Adam came to being, God created everything he needed to work effectively. Talking about the animals he’ll name, plants he’ll need for food, and other creatures serving their purposes. That means God, since the beginning, has firmly established no shortcuts to making both an impact and a living concerning work.

Today, people want to override this principle. It’s evident in people’s addiction to gambling and other quick-to-earn virtual platforms with minimal to zero work.

Proverbs 10:2 clearly says an ill-gotten gain does not profit. That means any money gained in dishonest ways will never last in the receiver’s hands. How many people who gamble are amongst the rich? Even if anyone became rich through it, that money probably didn’t last because it was gained dishonestly.

Don’t expect to get kingdom results without using kingdom principles. Paul tells us Christians to mind our own business and work with our own hands (1 Thessalonians 4:11). Understand that work isn’t a curse. Neither is it a bad strike on the use of your time and effort. It’s the primary means designed by God to make an impact and a living. Love to work as unto the Lord, and not unto people.

You’re a blessing.


Oh Lord, I receive divine empowerment from the Spirit of grace to work efficiently and effectively; so that I’ll make an impact unto your kingdom and a living to support your work, my family, and the people whom I love.

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 171

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an ill-gotten gain
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