Four Checks God Makes Before Answering Prayer Requests


God answers prayers. Right? But did you know that He runs checks on the kind of prayer topics that come before Him each day from His people?

We live in a generation where many believers try hard to turn God into a genie — asking Him to fulfil several selfish needs without thinking about how His name would be glorified in the things we possess on this Earth. So sometimes, some of the things we Christians pray about end up not being granted. And some wonder whether God hears them or not.

Friend, I want to inform you that God is love. He cares so much about you that He wouldn’t give you anything that would end up destroying you or harm your connection with Him. Here are four checks God makes before answering prayer requests. Probably, you can find answers to your delayed prayer requests in this article.

God is love. He cares so much about you that He wouldn’t give you anything that would end up destroying you or harm your connection with Him.

1. Type of request – a ‘need’ or a ‘want’

In Philippians 4:19 (NIV), the scripture says,

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

It doesn’t say, “God will meet all your wants.” So God is interested in meeting your needs before your wants. Maybe, what you’re praying for could be something you desire but don’t really need. It doesn’t mean God won’t listen to you. No, He will, but may choose to delay giving you an answer to such a prayer request until the time He knows that having that thing won’t become a distraction to you in your walk with Him.

Let me give you an example. Many young ladies pray about their marriage. Some want God to show them who their beloved is. But some aren’t ready for marriage yet. So what do you think God will do for such prayer requests? He will turn these women from looking for someone to fixing themselves on how to prepare to meet their husbands later in their lives.

You can survive without your wants met, but you cannot survive and thrive without your needs met. Keep sowing into God’s kingdom, and He shall supply all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.

You can survive without your wants met, but you cannot survive and thrive without your needs met.

2. Your heart

The second check God makes is the timing for granting the requests made. God, since the Old Testament, has hated idolatry. And now, idolatry has exceeded worshipping images to worshipping things and earthly possessions.

Although whatever has been created on Earth can be used purposefully for the spread of the gospel of Jesus, having them without accurate spiritual understanding can be a burden in your life or take your attention from God. That’s why God checks the heart before giving believers who ask Him for something. Your conscience must be pure, sourced from the Word of God so that He will know that there’s nothing He will give you that will take away your relationship with God.

3. Your character

Thirdly, God checks your character before granting your prayer requests. He ensures that what He gives you after you’ve prayed about would make you a better person, not a worse one. Make sure that when God gives you what you pray for doesn’t end up corrupting your heart, especially through the love of money.

4. Your motives behind the prayer requests

Lastly, God weighs the motives for whatever we do (Proverbs 16:2 NIV). When you pray to ask Him for something, He’s concerned about your reason for your request rather than the request itself.

According to James 4:3-4, nobody receives anything from God when they ask Him to provide things that will gratify their selfish pleasures. For example, God won’t give you a partner if you’re looking for premarital sexual pleasure instead of marriage. I would counsel you to allow God’s Word to form deep in your heart and focus on doing God’s work. He will bless you with what You need abundantly.

In conclusion, I say if I know nothing about God, at least I know that no human can control Him. God will always listen to what you tell Him as you pray. But as to what He will do and when He will grant your request, it’s up to Him. Worship God genuinely from your heart and treasure your relationship with Him. He will make all things beautiful according to His own timing in your life (see Ecclesiastes 3:11)

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